Produkty dla didurum 8400 (5)

D-Cure 25 000 IU - 12 ampułek

D-Cure 25 000 IU - 12 ampułek

D-Cure is a medicine to prevent or treat vitamin D deficiencies. The very high concentration of Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) in D-cure ampoules is sufficient to prevent vitamin D deficiency for several weeks. During the winter or grey periods, our bodies struggle to make vitamin D because of the lack of sunshine. 85% of the population is deficient in vitamin D during this period. Vitamin D deficiency can have many consequences in adults and children: Fatigue Depression Bone pain Muscle pain Erectile dysfunction Sleep problem Weakening of the immune system. Severe vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.


Menadione, also known as vitamin K3, is a synthetic compound used primarily as a vitamin supplement in animal nutrition. It comes as a yellow crystalline powder and is an active form of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and bone health. Menadione acts as a precursor to natural forms of vitamin K, which the body can convert and use for its biological functions. Although not commonly used in human nutrition due to concerns about its safety and toxicity in large doses, menadione is valuable in animal feed to ensure healthy growth and prevent vitamin K deficiencies. Its efficacy and usefulness in the agricultural industry and veterinary medicine make it an important component for animal welfare. CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Guma ksantanowa (E415)

Guma ksantanowa (E415)

È una fibra solubile che può essere scomposta nell'intestino nonostante non venga digerita. Il prodotto finito ha un alto tasso di solubilità in acqua ed è una polvere bianca scorrevole senza odore estraneo. Per le diete chetogeniche, senza glutine e vegane, la gomma di xantano è accettabile. Circa due anni è la durata di conservazione della gomma di xantano. L'articolo deve essere conservato in un magazzino fresco e asciutto. Foodcom fornisce sacchi da 25 kg di gomma di xantano ai suoi partner commerciali.
Dankiu - Bio Fungicydy

Dankiu - Bio Fungicydy

Nº Permis de Commerce Paralelle: 2160226 Composition : Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ssp. plantarum souche D747 : 49999999000 UFC/g
Guma ksantanowa (E415)

Guma ksantanowa (E415)

Xanthangummi ist ein Polysaccharid, das als Lebensmittelzusatzstoff weit verbreitet ist und in der EU unter dem Code E415 aufgeführt ist. Das Produkt bietet eine große Bandbreite an texturmodifizierenden Eigenschaften. Xanthan Gum wird aus Pflanzen wie Mais oder Rohrzucker durch Fermentation mit Xanthomonas campestris-Bakterien gewonnen.